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Determination of abscisic acid by cathodic stripping square wave voltammetry

P. Hernández Hernández, M. Dabrio-Ramos, F. Patón, Y. Ballesteros, L. Hernández Hernández

Talanta Vol. 44, nº. 10, pp. 1783 - 1792


In this paper a study is accomplished on behavior in a mercury electrode, of the phytohormone abscisic acid and of the conditions of accumulation in a HMDE. A mechanism is proposed of reduction based on its electrochemical behavior and proving the product of the reduction through mass spectrometry of bulks. A method is proposed for the determination of Abscisic acid (ABA) with a quantification limit of 58 ng ml-1. The procedure is applied wing determination of ABA in pears through the combination of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical quantification.

Keywords: Abscisic acid; Phytohormone; Mercury electrode

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 5,600 - Q1 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/S0039-9140(97)00049-0

Published on paper: October 1997.

P. Hernández Hernández, M. Dabrio-Ramos, F. Patón, Y. Ballesteros, L. Hernández Hernández, Determination of abscisic acid by cathodic stripping square wave voltammetry. Talanta. Vol. 44, nº. 10, pp. 1783 - 1792, October 1997.

    Research topics:
  • *Advanced materials and nanotechnology

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