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Linear power flow algorithm with losses for multi-terminal VSC AC/DC power systems

J.C. Fernández-Pérez, F.M. Echavarren, L. Rouco

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Vol. 37, nº. 3, pp. 1739 - 1749


Power flow analysis is a key tool for planning, operation and control of power systems. With future hybrid Supergrids in mind, a wide variety of power flow algorithms for multi-terminal VSC AC/DC systems have been proposed. However, the nonlinear nature of these formulations represents a challenge for its use in real power systems. Whereas in the study of AC networks linear approximations are frequently utilized to speed up multi-scenario steady-state analysis, an equivalent tool has not been proposed for hybrid AC/DC grids. This paper fills that gap by formulating a linear MW-only power flow algorithm with losses for multi-terminal VSC AC/DC systems. The proposed algorithm provides a consistent estimation of converters' losses and allows modelling of all branches within the converter stations. Moreover, two novel schemes for the inclusion of DC network losses are proposed and a circuit-equivalent model of the linear power flow problem in multi-terminal VSC AC/DC systems is suggested.

Palabras Clave: AC/DC, DC power flow, HVDC transmission, linear power flow, multi-terminal DC (MTDC), VSC.

Índice de impacto JCR y cuartil WoS: 6,600 - Q1 (2022); 6,500 - Q1 (2023)

Referencia DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en papel: Mayo 2022.

Publicado on-line: Septiembre 2021.

J.C. Fernández-Pérez, F.M. Echavarren, L. Rouco, Linear power flow algorithm with losses for multi-terminal VSC AC/DC power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 37, nº. 3, pp. 1739 - 1749, Mayo 2022. [Online: Septiembre 2021]

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Régimen permanente: Flujos de cargas, análisis de restricciones de operación, flujos de cargas óptimo, servicio complementario de control de tensiones, cortocircuitos, protecciones en redes de transporte y distribución, modelos térmicos de cables

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