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Smart and Sustainable Grids

The Smart and Sustainable Grids research unit is an interdisciplinary group at the IIT which is focused on the analysis and development of models for the simulation and optimization of future electricity networks. These networks will enable us to ensure the viability of the model of sustainable energy required by society in the 21st century. This model is characterised by the centrality of the role of renewable energies with distributed characteristics, by a flexible energy demand and the capacity to meet that demand, and by a quality of service which meets the expectations of the digital society. We offer an important range of activities, making a significant research contribution both nationally and internationally: Externally financed research and development projects which include European projects, national CENIT projects, and a number of projects commissioned by private institutions and companies. A contribution to the scientific knowledge base in the form of PhDs, articles in the most important journals in this field and participation in international conferences. The development of our own software for the simulation of large networks. This software has a range of applications and can be sold under licence. The most relevant is the Reference Network Model, designed for the planning of large scale distribution networks and for assessing the impact of Distributed Energy Resources. An important teaching role in the PhD and Postgraduate programme in Electrical Engineering in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI) - including the Master’s Degree in the Electricity Sector and a close collaboration with the training courses of the EES-UETP.

Research topics

  • Universal energy access and rural electrification
  • Green energy integration
  • Smart grid data modelling (CIM, 61850, other ontologies)
  • Sustainable mobility and electric vehicles
  • Planning and operation of DER
  • Data exchange protocols
  • Representative electricity networks and applications
  • Smart grids
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)



  • Smart grids. Use cases and applications, in Training School on Energy Transition. Florence School of Regulation Global (FSR), Online. Sep 2023.
  • Local flexibility market design and TSO/DSO coordination: R&D projects, in CEER Training on Regulation of DSOs, Digitalisation and Flexibility Market. Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), Online. Jun 2023.
  • Movilidad eléctrica: perspectivas y barreras, in Electrificación del sector energético: Tecnologías, retos y oportunidades. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo - UIMP, Seville (Spain). Oct 2022.
  • Introduction to industrial sectors, in Decarbonising Industry: Technology, Policy, and Societal Readiness. Radboud Summer School, Nijmegen (Netherlands). Jul 2022.
  • Module 14. Universal Access to Energy. Criteria for electrification with individual photovoltaic systems, in 17º Máster propio en Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain). Jun 2022.
  • Local flexibility market design and TSO/DSO coordination: R&D projects, in CEER Training on Regulation of DSOs, Digitalisation and Flexibility Market. Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), Online. Jun 2022.
  • Electrification in Mexico. Lesson 2: Experiences in electrification and clean cooking, in Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7 Course. Florence School of Regulation (FSR), Online. May 2022.
  • Access to basic services: electricity, in Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones en Cooperación para el desarrollo. Fundación Ingenieros ICAI; y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid (Spain). Apr 2022.


Carlos Mateo Domingo got his degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, and his diploma on Computer Engineering from the U.N.E.D, in 2000. He joined the Institute for Research in Technology in 2001 and got the Ph.D. in Industrial and Computer Engineering in 2007 with a thesis on Modes of Elastic Wave Propagation in Electrical Cables. Currently, he is coordinator of the Master in Smart Grids, and of the Smart and Sustainable Grids area in IIT. He is specialized in the electricity power system and in particular in distribution network modelling and in the assessment of the impact of distributed energy resources. He has participated in several European research projects (MERGE, IMPROGRESS, ADVANCED, SUSTAINABLE, PV-GRID,…), collaborated with the industry and with Spanish institutions (CNMC, Iberdrola, Ormazabal,…) and participated in international research projects with prestigious and renowned institutions (MIT, NREL, World Bank,…). He has collaborated in the creation of the DSO Observatory for the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. He has taken part in the SMART-DS project with NREL and MIT to build large-scale synthetic networks for the U.S. Department of Energy. In the context of this collaboration, he has been visiting researcher at NREL and MIT. He has also collaborated with the World Bank to analyze the impact of demand response in Central America, and with MIT to propose electrification solutions in developing countries. He has the accreditations of three six-year research in Engineering and Architecture (Communication Engineering, Computing and Electronics), for the periods 2003-8, 2009-14, and 2015-20, as well as the ANECA and ACAP Certifications of PhD assistant professor.


Visiting Student

Visiting Student

Busto Celaya,
Visiting Student

Visiting Researcher

Eisman Valdés,
Postdoctoral Researcher

Visiting Researcher

Assistant Researcher

Assistant Researcher

Meresa Weldu,
Assistant Researcher

Assistant Researcher

Romeo Monterde,
Visiting Student

Visiting Researcher

David Ulrich