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Energy Economics and Regulation

The activities of the Power-Economics Regulation research unit are centred on the design and analysis of the regulative measures which make possible the incorporation of strategic, economic and environmental considerations into the management of the energy sector in order that they may guide the technical and financial decisions of buyers and sellers in the energy market with the final objective of maximising net social benefit. The unit is particularly active in the Electricity Sector. We offer an important range of activities, making a significant research contribution both nationally and internationally: - Externally financed research and development projects which include six European projects, three national CENIT projects, and a number of projects commissioned by private institutions and companies. - A contribution to the scientific knowledge base in the form of PhDs, articles in the most important journals in this field and participation in international conferences. - An important teaching role, in particular our committed participation in the PhD and Postgraduate programme in Electrical Engineering in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI) - including the Master’s Degree in the Electricity Sector which is supported by the European Commission through the ERASMUS MUNDUS programme - and a close collaboration with the training courses for European regulators which are organised by the Florence School of Regulation and are supported by the European Union. Amongst other activities, in a European context, the unit also participates in technological training in the electricity sector through the Asociación Universidad/Empresa para la Formación en Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica (AUEF-SEE), which has held a number of international courses. - Advisory and consultancy work commissioned by regulating institutions, operators/traders and by private companies in a wide range of countries (Spain, Holland, Italy, France, Russia, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and so on).

Research topics

  • Analysis of sustainable energy policies
  • Waste-to-Energy
  • Network regulation and tariff design with large shares of DER
  • Design and evaluation of policies for industrial decarbonization
  • Energy markets design and regulation
  • Long-term energy scenarios
  • Environmental Analysis with Life Cycle Assessment
  • Technical-economic evaluation of technologies for decarbonization
  • Innovative business models in the power sector
  • Energy poverty: Indicators, policy and regulation
  • Regulation of energy network infrastructures: Transport and distribution