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STARNET: Bulk Production Cost Model

Dr. Andrés Ramos Galán

A bulk production cost model determines the system operation variables that minimize variable costs for a defined time scope. The model determines the unit commitment binary variables and furthermore the unit output and power flow through the network. It is a short and medium term model. In the short term demand is modeled chronologically, while in the medium term it considered as a load-duration curve.

It can also be called as generalized unit commitment (GUC) because it solves simultaneously the problems:

  • Unit Commitment (UC)

    It decides which and when thermal units must be started-up or shutdown.

  • Hydrothermal Economic Dispatch (HED)

    It decides which output must produce each generating unit (thermal or hydro) in each time interval taking into account the limit on energy available at hydro reservoirs.

  • Optimal Power Flow (OPF)

    It decides which flows move through the network modeled by a DC load flow where voltage levels and reactive power are ignored.

It can also be considered as a medium term Bulk Production Cost Model (BCPM) to obtain economic and unit operation forecasts.

The model is been used by the Organismo Coordinador del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional Interconectado de la República Dominicana, the Superintendencia de Electricidad and several electric companies of the country as Dominican Power Partner DPP/AES Los Mina, Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Haina (EGEHaina), Empresa de Generación Hidroeléctrica Dominicana (EGEHID), Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Itabo, Generadora Palamara-La Vega y Smith & Enron Cogeneration Limited Partnership IPPS.

Besides the model has been used in several research projects inside the IIT (for example,Technical Analysis of the Introduction of a High Percentage of Renewable Energy in the Spanish Electric Generation System for Greenpeace, Mechanisms for an efficient generation localization in the transmission network for the National Energy Commission).

StarNet Lite (Composite Reliability) demo version

StarNet Lite (Generation Reliability) demo version

Good Optimization Modeling Practices

StarGen Lite (Short Term Stochastic Daily Unit Commitment Model) demo version

StarGen Lite (Medium Term Stochastic Hydrothermal Coordination Model) demo version

StarGen Lite (Long Term Generation Expansion Planning Model) demo version

StarNet Lite (Long Term Transmission Expansion Planning Model) demo version

StarMkt Lite (Cournot Market Equilibrium Model) demo version

StarMkt Lite (Bushnell Market Equilibrium Model) demo version

Model summary leaflet

Bulk Production Cost Models

Composite reliability models January 2010.

P. Sánchez-Martín, A. Ramos Modeling Transmission Ohmic Losses in a Stochastic Bulk Production Cost Model October 1997.

M. Rey, A. Ramos, P. Sánchez Martín, F. Martínez Córcoles, V. Martín Corrochano Modelado de las pérdidas óhmicas de transporte en modelos de explotación generación/red a medio plazo V Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingeniería Eléctrica 2: 885-891 Salamanca, España Julio 1997.

Model presentation

This model is in the Technology Portfolio, Technical Services and R&D Networks. Energy of the Regional Government of Madrid.