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Efficient operation of virtually coupled trains

The selected candidate will be integrated in the research area on railway systems. His/Her main activity will focus on the development of simulation, control and optimisation models related to the railway operation of virtually coupled trains. Virtual coupling aims to transfer some research results from the automotive sector (e.g. vehicle platooning on intelligent highways) to the railway sector. The aim of this novel concept is to exploit train-train communications to enable trains to run closer to each other and to improve the transport capacity of existing railway lines. Virtual coupling is considered in the European strategy as one of the most promising developments for the train of the future.

Through the work, the researcher will acquire knowledge related to rail traffic planning and regulation, efficient train driving (manual and automatic) and transport capacity.


The candidate must have a Master's degree in engineering, physics or mathematics. The academic record corresponding to the degree provided will be valued, as well as knowledge of programming.

What do we offer?

Full-time annual contract for the completion of the PhD and its corresponding training activities. The selected person will be hired every year for a maximum period of 3 years. The gross salary for the first year is 26932.19 € for the year 2024. In addition, the IIT covers 90% of the fees for the training activities and will have access to all the services offered by the University (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).


Curriculum vitae, academic record and cover letter
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