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Conference paper information

Regulation for the electrification of isolated rural areas in Guatemala

A. González-García, I.J. Pérez-Arriaga, A. Moreno Romero, L.M. Uriarte de los Santos

Congreso Internacional sobre el Acceso Universal a los Servicios Públicos de Energía, Lima (Peru). 30-31 May 2013

This paper analyses the power sector regulatory framework of Guatemala in regards to off-­?grid electrification for isolated rural areas. The purpose of the paper is to identify and propose relevant policymaking choices in pursue of universal access to electric power services for low-­?income population in isolated or remote rural areas. These measures would target the lack of access in “the last mile” that, because of its inaccessibility or unprofitability, is not expected to receive connection to the power network in the medium or even long term. The paper will explore the characteristics of the regulatory framework of Guatemala. It will identify whether there are measures in place that would enable the achievement of universal access to off-­?grid electricity in isolated rural areas, study the profile of these areas in Guatemala, and then propose the characteristics of the regulatory reform that would lead to the achievement of this goal by 2030, as global target established by the United Nations Decade for Sustainable Energy for All. The research work has been developed within the framework of project REGEZRA coordinated by Fundación Energía Sin Fronteras (Energy Without Borders EsF). The authors are grateful to the project partners for their input, comments and ideas: • Government and regulatory agencies: Intituto Nacional de Electricidad, Comisión Nacional de la Energía Eléctrica (Guatemala) and Comisión Nacional de la Energía (Spain). • Affected population: Asociación Nacional de Municipalidades, Concejos Comunitarios de Desarrollo and Concejos Municipales de Desarrollo (Guatemala). • Experts and facilitators: EsF, Mercados EMI, Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid), Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables, Fundación Solar (Spain), NRECA International (USA), Universidad San Carlos, Universidad del Valle, and Universidad Rafael Landívar (Guatemala).

Keywords: Universal Access, rural electrification, off-grid, regulation of the electric power industry, business models, energy poverty

Publication date: 2013-05-30.

A. González-García, I.J. Pérez-Arriaga, A. Moreno Romero, L.M. Uriarte de los Santos, Regulation for the electrification of isolated rural areas in Guatemala, Congreso Internacional sobre el Acceso Universal a los Servicios Públicos de Energía, Lima (Peru). 30-31 May 2013.

    Research topics:
  • *Analysis of Sustainable Energy Policies

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